Read This to Know How ‘Less Is More’ in a Custom Logo Design

A logo is more than an image, more than a symbol—it is the soul of an entire. It bears the responsibility of an entire organization and makes customers remember the brand for long. Compelling business logos are hard to forget as they create a memorable impression in the minds of customers (if built properly).

As we are constantly moving forward, our lifestyle is becoming complex and dynamic, which means our demands are getting unusual and a lot different from what we used to have previously. A custom logo design nearly solves half of the problems of the business because a custom design tailored to specific needs of the business is ideal for the visual representation of the company.

With uncertain and more dynamic demands, business owners are now demanding colorful visual illustrations for their brands. We live in a social media age where colors and motions are the real power of a good logo design. Since the entire focus of the brands has been shifted to social media and digital marketing, business owners are tending to acquire catchy logo designs to entice customers and bring their attention to the brands. For that, businesses are even paying thousands of Riyals for having a unique custom logo design to support and build the image of the company.

But do colorful or dynamic designs really fulfill the needs of modern-day business? The answer would certainly be ‘No’ but why? Some of the top-notch brands of modern times have simple yet brilliant logo designs like Apple, Nike, MacDonald’s and Audi etc. These brands and their logos are so powerful that they instantly hit our minds and are remembered as top-of-the-mind brands.

The reason why a custom logo design doesn’t have to be complex because simple logos draw viewer’s attention more than anyone can ever imagine. Less is more is not that hard to understand as ‘less’ connects more strongly to the emotional state of a person? This is exactly why brands that are face-lifting their image are sharing a common theme: simplicity. Simple design creates more meaning and communicates brand messages more clearly


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